来自 Elle Hunt 的问好!
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我的专业是装修。无论您是要重新装修厨房还是整栋房子,寻找合适的房产都很重要。维护价值、位置、转售和生活质量都是您考虑装修时的重要因素。让我的专业知识帮助您。Work-From-Paradise当今的买家和卖家需要一个值得信赖的资源来指导他们度过复杂的房地产世界。凭借我丰富的知识和致力于为客户提供最佳和最及时的信息的承诺,我是您获取房地产行业见解和建议的首选来源。买卖房屋不仅仅是交易:它是一次改变生活的体验。如果您有任何房地产需求,请随时与我联系。在 Facebook 上关注我@ElleHuntRealtyVideos,你说呢?在 YouTube 上查看我们(https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZkQ-Is3sc2diYtoqF5Aq3w/featured)
Elle Hunt,佛罗里达州执照编号 SL3513375
豪华房地产集团有限责任公司 FL 执照编号:BO2033891
Selling a house on your own can be an overwhelming task. There's advertising to plan and budget for, open houses and private showings to arrange, purchase offers to negotiate, contract contingencies to worry about, and complicated paperwork to fill out. Make it easy on yourself by putting your home in the hands of a seasoned professional. I have extensive experience marketing properties and showing them to their best advantage.
First, we'll perform a comparable market analysis to determine the most appropriate price for your home. Then we'll provide home staging advice and suggest landscaping changes that will help draw buyers in. We'll advertise your home through a variety of methods, including local publications and online MLS® listings.
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